DigiProctor enables you to create objective as well as subjective tests.
Students type long answers or upload images of hand-written answers. They can even attach hand-drawn diagrams like circuit diagrams, chemical and arithmetic equations, etc.
Evaluators too have a seamless experience - mark subjective questions online and automate results processing.
DigiProctor provides detailed analytics of the test paper, class and individual performance.
How your students tackle the issue of writing a long answer or uploading a diagram/equation?
To answer a subjective question, your students can write the answers or draw the circuit diagram on paper, take a photo of the page and upload it using the DigiProctor (Answer) Upload App. They can view this image on their laptop to see if it has been uploaded properly.
If they have uploaded more than one image for an answer, then they can rearrange the sequence of these images before submission.
They have an option to delete any image that they have uploaded, and if required, replace it with a new image.
Question banks enable a standardized quality of knowledge testing and ensures diligence and integrity amongst all the institutions. Your institution can build a centralized question repository from where all question papers can be generated and administered.
DigiProctor also provides a comprehensive solution to manage all type so questions through its question creation facility - Wizard and Excel Template (for bulk upload of questions and answers)
Question paper is encrypted using AES-256 encryption (strongest in the world) and only the question paper creator will have the Key to decrypt the paper
Delivery of questions during the test can also be controlled from the central console.
Digiproctor provides automatic result generation and deep insights into the test performance.