What's new in DigiProctor Advanced ?

Online Evaluation of responses entered or uploaded by your students

Long answers questions, scientific equations and hand drawn diagrams have been the primary reason why examinations could not move online – versatility of the questions in the test paper is vital to evaluate a student’s understanding of the subject.

With DigiProctor’s question creation wizard you can create all types of questions - MCQ, MRQ with partial marking, True-False, Subjective, Case Study, Grouped Comprehension. Your students can use the DigiProctor (Answer) Upload App to write long answers that would take a long time to type - often students are not comfortable typing long answers within the stipulated time assigned for the subjective question. Evaluators can view these answers online and mark them.

Online Evaluation and Result Analytics

Your students’ responses to objective questions are automatically evaluated, however if your question paper has any subjective questions then you will need to mark them.

  • In case of subjective questions in test, system awaits completion of subjective evaluation and then generates the ranked results.
  • Subjective evaluation can be done with aggregate marking and Step-wise / para-wise detailed marking.
  • All hand-drawn or hand-written answers for subjective questions which were uploaded by candidates is available to evaluator at click of a button
  • DigiProctor provides institutions an easy interface for evaluating subjective questions.
proctoring exam online evaluation

Online evaluation of Subjective Questions uploaded by your students

  • Subjective answers are evaluated by – internal or external examiner
  • COE appoints evaluators (and reviewers) and assigns them students
  • Examiners evaluate the answers and input their remarks online - independently from anywhere
  • Reviewers or Chief Examiner can review the marks awarded by examiners
online evaluation of subjective questions

DigiProctor provides comprehensive Result Analysis to evaluate test efficacy and your student’s learning outcomes. (based on Bloom’s Taxonomy)

  • Detailed analytics of class performance and individual student’s performance - including performance in each tagged topic and learning outcomes based on Bloom's taxonomy
  • Comparative analysis of each student’s performance (z-score/T-score)
  • Detailed analysis of test (KR-20 - test reliability) and of test questions (option guessability, question difficulty, and anomaly) - Facility to compare current test with previous tests and improve test outcomes
  • Students can remotely appear for practical/ viva-voce for vocational testing
comprehensive result analysis

DigiProctor provides detailed analytics of the test paper, class and individual student’s performance and more….

Every test generates a “Ranked list of your students” based on their Test Marks, and Trust Scores.
Analyze “Trust Scores” of your students to evaluate test credibility